the international day of your life.

today is the international day of your life.
the guy
on the radio said.

fuck. it was winter cold.
the city was in chaos. was quietly sad.
the guy from the radio
was just a voice
and who he was
who anybody was
wouldn’t matter at all.
everybody would look for some
despair that night.
some ugly pleasure.

for me,
it was alcohol
to suppress my thoughts
and loud music
to reaffirm that shit.

who am I

I am the guy who will pass by on the crowded subway.
I am the guy who sits next to you.
you won’t look
won’t care.
I am just another guy.
who am I?
like you
I eat
I feel.
but your pain is probably bigger than mine, for you
just as mine is bigger than yours, for me.
And you own the truth as much as I own it too.
but that doesn’t matter,
I am just another guy.


6:30 am and the outstanding amount of people that uses public transport are already giving up laws of physics and fucking smashing each other. I am part of it.

Water drops from the sky, everybody wish they had stayed in bed. I wish that too. The drops make it a bad day, a grey-blue kind.

People are going to work. They listen  to their musics, read their religion and smile at each other disgrace. No one is smart, they wake up 5:30 am to take 5 buses and 2 subway lines. In the other side of the world there is a dude talking with authority about how his lifestyle is better than yours and people are going to pay and applause him for that, with pleasure.

Hold on, I gotta take my bus outside and it’s raining like hell, fuck.

for my true friend and inspiration, Bush.


to love you
to remember you coming into my life
walking towards me
licking my ears as we both were little and innocent
I have grown a little older
and into me fits no innocence anymore
but there is something about you
you grown older too my friend,
but still got a child’s purity
I think that this something is YOU.

toc toc,
and that’s time beating you up
and I see you with the same eyes
the not so much little and young anymore
brother of mine
meeting pieces of death everyday
and people come in and tell me it.

– he is dying, he is old, they say.
they remember me of that
you don’t, do you?
you just live it piece by piece
and you love it
and you just look at me like its okay

you get it all
you have always got it all
right from the start

what a beautiful way to live
and what a beautiful way that you made me love you
my true friend
I drop a tear for you now.
you won’t notice it
it’s for all those beautiful moments

you are
and always will be a part of me
my nirvana
my extension
my friend
my love.

you know , they say
the human is something more
cause we got the language
this ability that you don’t have
but let me know
how did you do all this
touched so many, so much
without saying a word?